Right brainers Vs left brainers!!

We could tap unique features within ourselves if we use different parts of our brain. Left-brainers, predominant ones, tend to have good analysis and logic, they are sequential workers. The right-brainers have more of simultaneous working style, go for a holistic approach, emotions and creativity are utmost used. Some of the biggest creators of all times like Leonardo da Vinci have had the magnificent trait of utilizing both sides of their brains, the world knows how much they have bestowed to the world. Can you believe that you could too, if you take some lifestyle changes, can uncover the best in you? The right-brainers have known to be empathetic, metaphoric, flexible and known to integrate with a symphony.
Emotional intelligence or competence is something which is not very publicised, so many don’t give the apt amount of importance to it. This is a unique strength that gives us the power to love, the power to sense the emotions displayed by others in order to better the performance or a relationship. This is not something restricted to a workplace, you and your EI can change the life of a person in need. The emotional competence can be most exhibited when we are able to label the emotions accurately.
Accurate self-awareness, empathy, self-control, bonding are the coordinates present in the model. From an emotional awareness of our self, we can transcend to others and indeed help others. If we are able to convey our constructive criticism for others and mask the other negative or destructive ones, we can surely make our teammates feel at ease and exhibit their best. We as managers, need to provide emotional safety for our teammates. Unfortunately, we could face emotional labor because of the same, that’s detrimental to our health in the long run. This demanding duty should be handled with care. We could perform an emotional audit to regulate and monitor our emotional status, by introspecting what is the predominant emotion faced by us in the recent past.
Based on the expression of emotions and the level to which we can moderate and mask requires mastery. We should not build up or accumulate any negative emotions inside of us that could slowly eat us. Spilling out authentically would be preferred. At the same time, we need to filter the unnecessarily disruptive comments. We have the responsibility of moderating the emotions and energy of our team. How do we accomplish that? We ought to be mindful of the cues given by others and also what we would want others to offer us when we are in dire of the same. Being empathetic is most required. With face reading and interactions we can master this, even a lift of eyebrow could be a cue that we should watch out for. In addition don’t forget that we have to de-clog our perceptual filters, even before thinking of attempting this feat.
The most successful leaders are most often not the most loved or most sought-after leaders. A high IQ does not guarantee a high Emotional intelligence. The ball is in your court, choose the best combo.
Do you know that the negative emotions travel faster than the speed of light: P, we should be in a position to moderate our responses and not disturb others in any way? Similarly, we should be immune to other people’s emotional outburst. If we stay susceptible there could be an array of issues that would bother us and we would get drowned in the sea of sadness. What, how, when we communicate is to be crafted with care. The intent should be pure and content must not be compromised, in a constructive way we have to communicate.
There is a three-legged stool that we need to be watchful of, it is the mismatch of expectations, assuming intentions of others and the need for control. These three could cause you to definitely fall or get hurt. Zero expectations are the upper bound. So stick to that. Your habits and actions must be integrated with your life’s purpose, expectations during the journey should be as minimum as possible.

Work on yourself continuously and develop yourself till your purpose is achieved.

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